Starting a Relationship

17 Signs He Has Strong Feelings for You but Is Scared: Decoding the Mixed Signals

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Few things are more frustrating than when a new dude (who you really like) gives mixed signals as you try to decipher his every word and action like Sherlock Holmes. 

To help you deduce his intentions, here are 17 signs he’s into you but afraid to admit it. We’ll even show you how to make him addicted to you.

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Signs a Man Loves You but Is Afraid

His behavior may seem confusing on the surface, but when you dig a little deeper, you can quickly reveal the truth that he’s falling in love with you

1. He tries to play it “cool”

He wants to be the smooth, suave, and sexy guy you swoon over. As a result, he may try to mask his true thoughts and feelings behind an aloof and stoic exterior, oozing that high-value man energy

Alas, the macho, manly caricature emerges. And while you may roll your eyes at this tired archetype, the truth is that it’s not always an ego-boosting facade. A lot of it has to do with societal pressure making him worry that too much vulnerability is a “weakness.” 

In fact, a 2019 study by the Movember Foundation revealed that a third of men feel under pressure to behave more “masculine,” with close to 60% believing society wants them “emotionally strong.”[1]

For this reason, when a man has strong feelings for someone he isn’t sure reciprocates, he might embrace this trope, might barricade himself inside his Mojo Dojo Casa House, in an attempt to save face.

It may be tempting to pull away when he tries to crush a beer can on his forehead, but if you like him too, see it through. After you take him to the ER, that is.

2. He wants to save the day

When you’ve had an argument with a friend, he’ll naturally take your side.

When you cross the road, he’ll put his body on the side of the traffic.

He can’t help it.

Even if he is afraid to admit that he loves you for various reasons, he won’t be able to control his actions of wanting to protect you and be your hero.

A study published in the Physiology & Behavior journal shows that male’s testosterone makes them feel protective over their mate’s safety and well-being.

So naturally, if he loves you, he would want to protect you.

There’s actually a fascinating new concept in relationship psychology that’s getting a lot of buzz at the moment. It goes to the heart of the riddle about why men fall in love—and who they fall in love with.

The theory claims that men want to be your hero. That they want to step up to the plate for the woman in their lives and provide and protect her.

This is deeply rooted in male biology.

People are calling it the hero instinct. I wrote a detailed primer about the concept which you can read here.

The kicker is that a man won’t fall in love with you when he doesn’t feel like your hero.

He wants to see himself as a protector. As someone you genuinely want and need to have around. Not as an accessory, ‘best friend’, or ‘partner in crime’.

I know this might sound a bit silly. In this day and age, women don’t need someone to rescue them. They don’t need a ‘hero’ in their lives.

And I couldn’t agree more.

But here’s the ironic truth. Men do still need to be a hero. Because it’s built into our DNA to seek out relationships that allow us to feel like a protector.

James Bauer is the real deal when it comes to relationship advice.

As a trained psychologist and 12-year relationship therapist, James knows his stuff. He’s smart, insightful and straightforward—and he tells it like it is.

Check out his video introduction here where he gives a unique insight into the hero instinct as well as free tips for triggering it in your guy.

If you want to understand what really makes men tick—and who they fall in love with—I recommend watching this video.

3. He wants to make you happy

One of the major signs that a dude likes you is the effort he puts in to make you happy. If he accommodates you, listens attentively, and supports your ideas, it’s a sure sign he’s got the hots for you. 

He may not be comfortable giving words of praise since he’s clearly afraid to reveal his feelings, so instead, he may go out of his way with simple acts that communicate his interest:

  • Doing or saying silly things to make you laugh
  • Playfully teasing you to make you smile and brighten your day
  • Offering help for tasks or errands
  • Taking interests in your hobbies and passions
  • Showering you with little gifts, like coffee or pastries

If a guy likes you but he’s showing signs he’s scared of his feelings, focus on the nuances of his behavior. These little details may seem trivial, but they could actually reveal his true feelings and intentions.

4. He gets jealous when you talk about other guys

When a man has feelings for you, he’ll naturally feel a little threatened when other guys come up in conversation. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It just means he values having you in his life, and the thought of potentially losing you to another guy hurts him.

In fact, according to research published in the Open Psychology Journal, moderate amounts of jealousy can actually benefit a relationship. The reason is that it’s been linked to greater levels of emotional connection.[2]

But more than that, the research revealed that if jealousy is conveyed in a healthy manner, it creates stronger feelings of “falling in love.”

However, it’s important to understand that there is a fine line. If he becomes overly jealous over innocent things, that’s a red flag.

There’s a big difference between endearing jealousy and blatant insecurity. So, don’t hesitate to smash the eject button if you’re getting “stalker vibes” from any overbearing, jealous behavior. You don’t want to end up in a toxic relationship.

5. He uses “we” a lot

They say actions speak louder than words. And while it’s true, it doesn’t mean words aren’t important when it comes to how he feels about you. 

If he uses first-person language such as “we,” “our,” or “us” when referring to you and him, it could be a sign that he sees the two of you as a single unit. If your man is scared, he may even be doing this without realizing it.

Research from psychologist Richard Slatcher at the University of Georgia reveals that couples in romantic relationships use “we” pronouns more often when referring to their relationships compared to ones with less or no commitment.[3]

This could be one of the telltale signs that your guy is catching feelings.

6. He gets nervous around you

Feeling nervous around someone you really like is natural — this may be the case with him. If he’s got it real bad, he’ll have those heart-pounding, knee-buckling, butterflies-in-the-stomach feels. 

This can manifest as nervous jitters, which show that he’s afraid to “mess things up.” And it’s not just the shy, introverted guys who get nervous. These symptoms can happen to even the most outgoing of men.

In a study of attraction published in Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, authors Hughes et al. observe, “Participants reported most frequently experiencing increased attentiveness, smiling, staring, heart rate, giggling/laughter, blushing, and difficulty concentrating” around those they found attractive.” 

Here are some additional nervous symptoms he may show:

  • Awkward body language: A guy who likes you may have unintentionally awkward body movements or uneasy facial expressions. He may even avoid making eye contact, despite prolonged eye contact being a clear sign someone likes you.
  • Talking at a fast pace: If you notice he’s speaking like an auctioneer to get his thoughts across, it could be because you’re a stone-cold fox who makes him nervous. 
  • Continual fidgeting: Fidgeting is another sign of nervousness he may display and could include repeatedly adjusting his hair, crossing and uncrossing his arms, biting his nails, and even cracking his knuckles.
  • Sweating: Whether he’s profusely sweating or slightly glistening, perspiration is a sign of nervousness. A man who likes you may start sweating bullets mid-conversation, an indication that he’s trying to hide his feelings.
  • Blushing: Another nervous signal that will reveal how he feels is blushing. Pay attention to his facial expression the next time you “accidentally” brush up against him. If his face turns redder than a Coca-Cola can, he’s into you. 

These nervous quirks are always unintentional. He won’t be able to help himself, which makes it easy for you to pick up on these micro-behaviors and determine his real feelings.

7. He struggles to express his feelings with you

This is a clear sign that he’s falling in love with you, but might be scared about those feelings.

He knows he cares for you deeply, and it’s starting to worry him.

Why would it worry him?

Because men can struggle to process and deal with strong emotions, such as love.

Men like to be in control, and his feelings for you are becoming so strong that he doesn’t know how to handle it.

If he can’t process his emotions, he won’t be able to talk about them. The best he can do is avoid talking about it.

Few people realize that male and female brains are biologically different. For instance, the limbic system is the emotional processing center of the brain and it’s much larger in the female brain than in a man’s.

That’s why women are more in touch with their emotions. And why guys can struggle to process and understand their feelings.

If you’ve ever been with an emotionally unavailable man before, blame his biology rather than him.

The thing is, to stimulate the emotional part of a man’s brain, you have to communicate with him in a way that he’ll actually understand.

Because there are certain things you can say to him that will rocket your relationship to the next level.

I learnt about this from relationship expert Amy North. You can watch her excellent free video here.

In her video, Amy North reveals exactly what to say to a man to make him want to commit to a deep and passionate relationship with you. These words work surprisingly well on even the coldest and most commitment-phobic men.

If you want to learn science-based techniques to attract men and get them to commit to you, check out her free video here.

8. He remembers the little things

Okay, yes . . . it’s totally possible for a guy to have the hots for you and still have entire conversations fall on deaf ears.

After all, men and women literally listen differently. Research conducted at the Indiana University School of Medicine has revealed that men and women process language in different ways. Brain images showed that men listen with only one side of their brain while women listen with both.[4]

With that in mind, it should be all the more impressive when he remembers your birthday or can refer back to a conversation you had a week ago. 

It means he was actually listening — and that he’s genuinely into you.

9. He respects and values your opinion

Respect is a simple expectation for any relationship. It’s easy to tell if a man doesn’t respect you. They don’t often know how loudly even the most subtle disrespect resonates. Luckily, it’s just as easy to recognize the opposite.

A man who loves you, even if he’s afraid to admit it, values your thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Sure, he may be hesitant to confess his undying love for you, but he’s still going to show you admiration and appreciation. He’s not a monster. 

He may not agree with everything you say, but he will show respect for it. He’ll acknowledge your emotions and point of view, making you feel heard and understood. He’ll even come to you with problems because he values your judgment.

Let him know you respect and value him, as well, and he may even overcome his fear of love and work up the guts to ask you out. 

10. His body language gives it away

Whether he’s holding prolonged eye contact, puffing his chest out, or leaning in closer so he can “hear you better,” his body language says it all. 

While his words are important, they don’t carry nearly as much weight as his actions. In 2018, the National Library of Medicine published a study that revealed the three elements of effective communication.[5]

  • Verbal: This refers to your specific word choice; it accounts for only 7% of communication
  • Nonverbal: This is your tone of voice; it’s the way you say things. It accounts for 38% of communication
  • Nonverbal observed in a mute state: This is your body language, and it’s responsible for up to 55% of all communication

When you understand and pay attention to these components of communication, it becomes easier to get the goods on how he feels about you. 

11. He always suggests group activities

The logic is simple: He’s afraid of possible rejection, so he invites you to group get-togethers to reduce the risk.

He may be afraid to ask you out on a date, but there’s no risk in dropping hints that your friend group are all going for a hike next weekend and “you should come along, if you want.” When men cloak their attraction in group activities, it helps them hide their feelings.

Don’t take it personally. Instead, try to be patient and realize he’ll come around at his own time, pace, and comfort level. 

12. He upgrades his aesthetic

Part of him sweeping you off your feet means looking the part of Prince Charming. For this reason, you may notice that he has upgraded his wardrobe and overall look to impress you. 

This can include a new haircut, a fresh suit, updating his footwear, or even trying a new fitness routine. All of this is him trying to communicate, “Hey girl, I dig you. Like what you see?” 

On an intuitive level, most men know that looking good is a preliminary step to attracting a woman’s attention. So, if you notice he’s putting in effort to upgrade his aesthetic, it’s one of many clear signs that a man is falling in love but hiding it. 

One word of caution here: It’s a great thing that he’s upgrading his look. But just be sure he’s not becoming overly obsessive or arrogant about it. A well-groomed man is attractive; vanity is not. Gotta watch out for those “high-value” men.

13. He takes up similar interests

People who share similar interests usually share an interest in each other — and vice versa. So, if you suddenly find your guy interested in your yoga or Pilates classes, it’s one of the signs he’s falling for you but is trying to hide it. 

He may see your interests as an opportunity to connect and get closer. As a result, don’t be surprised if he develops a sudden interest in your passions for wine tasting or dancing.

It may just be his way of trying to communicate interest without risking rejection in the process. 

14. He introduces you to his inner circle

When a guy introduces you to his inner circle, it’s like being handed a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, except instead of candy, you’re getting a taste of his world. 

If a man is really into you, he won’t keep you hidden away like a secret menu item at In ‘n Out. Nope, he’s going to show you off like the latest iPhone model at a tech expo.

You might score an invite to his best friend’s house party or his cousin’s swanky destination wedding, and when you show up, it’s like everyone’s been waiting for your grand entrance. You’ve been name-dropped before, and now people are excited to meet you.

So, if you’re hanging out with his mom, fist-bumping his bros, and making regular appearances in his Instagram stories, you’re not just a guest star; you’re on your way to becoming a series regular.


15. He tries to impress you

John Gray, author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, tells us that “men are motivated when they feel needed.” That’s why they parade their skills and talents in front of you like peacocks showing off their tails.

You might want to roll your eyes at these not-so-humble brags, but try to take it all in stride. As cringy as it might seem, he’s just trying to impress you and show how he can be of help. It’s . . . adorable.

But there’s a difference between trying to genuinely dazzle you and being straight-up arrogant. Arrogance comes across as suffocating and self-centered. Watch out for the “Let’s talk about you — what do you think about me?” guy. (Seriously, someone once said that to me . . .)  

If he’s genuinely trying to impress you, it’s his way of saying you’re special without actually saying it.

16. He opens up to you emotionally

Men can be as mysterious as the Phantom of the Opera, hiding behind their metaphorical masks. But as James Baldwin brilliantly put it, “Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.”

So, when he reveals his true face to you and starts sharing his deepest thoughts and genuine feelings with you, it’s a sign.

17. He prioritizes spending time with you

When a guy is into you, he’ll bend over backward to spend more time with you — even if it means ditching his weekly NBA & pizza night to watch Bridgerton with you. 

Notice if he’s the one initiating plans, suggesting new activities, or just casually showing up wherever you are.

So, next time he’s “coincidentally” at Trader Joe’s on Saturday morning or proposing a spontaneous road trip to that lake you once mentioned months ago, take it as a sign he prioritizes you. It’s not stalking — he’s just smitten!

Side note: Sometimes it’s stalking. Read our article all about dating violence and learn the difference.

How to Spark Irresistible Attraction Between You and Him

Have you been waiting for those undeniable sparks to fly but feel like the connection isn’t quite there yet? Don’t worry—it might just be the early stages, and the magic is ready to unfold. But if you’re eager to deepen that chemistry and create a bond that feels magnetic, there’s something powerful you can do to accelerate the process.

This is about more than just waiting for the right moment. It’s about creating the kind of attraction that makes him see you differently—as the one woman who completely captivates him.

There’s a simple but transformative approach that can unlock this deeper level of connection. When you understand how to tap into this, his desire for you will grow stronger than ever, and the bond between you will be undeniable.

Curious to learn more about how to ignite this kind of chemistry? Discover the secret to building a deeper, more irresistible attraction.


It’s frustrating when a man is afraid to accept his undying love for you. But since it’s so easy to decode the signs he has strong feelings for you but is scared to admit his feelings, you can coax him along until he’s no longer afraid to fall in love. 

If you’re wondering whether you’re doing something wrong, check out the top 3 mistakes women make that can cause men to lose interest.

Be attentive to his other modes of communication, such as body language, gift giving, and fancying himself up, to decipher his true feelings. You never know, love may blossom.

Want more topics about getting into a relationship? Click on the link!


How do you test if he really loves you?

To test if he really loves you, watch what he does, not what he says. His actions will reveal his feelings. If he makes time for you, values your opinion, and treats you well, these are all good signs that he loves and cares about you.

How do you know he has no feelings for you?

You know he has no feelings for you if he is disinterested and withdrawn and makes no effort to connect with you on a deeper level. If he doesn’t value your feelings or your time, it’s unlikely that he has true feelings for you.

How do you get him to admit he has feelings for you?

You can get him to admit he has feelings for you by making yourself vulnerable first and building trust. Let him know how you feel, and even if he is afraid of his feelings, he’ll feel more comfortable sharing them with you.


1. The Movember Foundation. (2019, October 9). Men 18–34 in North America say they feel pressure to “man up.” PR Newswire.

2. Sultana, S., Muhammad, F., Mamun, M. A., & Alauddin Chowdhury, A. B. M. (2023). Jealousy and love: Are they interconnected? The Open Psychology Journal, 16(1).

3. Slatcher, R. (2009). Language use in relationships. In Harry T. Reis & Susan Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Relationships (pp.959–962). Research Gate.

4. Indiana University. (2000, November 29). Men do hear — but differently than women, brain images show. ScienceDaily.

5 Park, S. G., & Park, K. H. (2018). Correlation between nonverbal communication and objective structured clinical examination score in medical students. Korean Journal of Medical Education, 30(3), 199.


  • Alex Brown is a self-improvement freelance writer. He writes blog posts and articles for various companies geared toward personal growth and self-development.

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