Federal Dating Violence Policy

Reauthorized in 2000 and 2005, VAWA is back before Congress in 2010. Break the Cycle has already begun working on the VAWA reauthorization, convening the Children & Youth and the LGBTQ committees. Through these committees, Break the Cycle is gathering community feedback and providing recommendations to the task force drafting VAWA 2010.

Together, we are leading the effort to increase federal recognition and funding for:

  • Dating violence prevention education
  • Services for youth in abusive relationships
  • Targeted programs for underserved youth populations

Specifically, we advocate for full funding of the following VAWA programs:

Through these programs, Congress can ensure that young people have the resources necessary to mature into healthy and productive citizens. It is time to protect young people from abuse and teach them to build prosperous, healthy, violence-free futures.

For more information about the Violence Against Women Act or other federal legislation, email [email protected].