Report Receives Nationwide Media Attention. The State Report Card garnered more than 400 feature stories in news outlets across 44 states. You can read about the report on, where the Report Cards were featured on its homepage.
States Respond Immediately. Several states are already taking steps to improve their laws. In New York, the office of State Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal contacted Break the Cycle for advice on how to keep moving forward (last year, New York improved their grade from an F to a C). She said:
Teen dating violence is destructive to teenagers, and hurts their families and their communities in New York State. New York’s ‘C’ grade on this issue is a reflection of the fact that we must intensify our efforts to ensure that teenagers are better protected. I have been in touch with Break the Cycle about how we can keep moving forward on this issue in order to improve our State’s grade. We must also educate teens and community leaders about this problem. Working together, I’m convinced that we can drastically reduce the incidence of teen dating violence in New York State.
You Can Help! Join the movement to end domestic violence by becoming a member of Break the Cycle’s HOPE. HOPE is helping change laws and policies to better protect young people in every state. Learn more about this national membership opportunity.