A+ Relationships are important for the young people in your life
- 1 in 3 high school students experiences some form of dating violence. Some might call that a public health epidemic.
- 81% of parents said they didn’t think or didn’t know if dating violence was a problem. That needs to change.
- Awareness and prevention begin with you! Read the handouts below, join Love Is Not Abuse, and let’s make A+ relationships the norm for young people through education.
- Need some motivation? Our CEO has some encouraging words just for you!
- A Safe Place to Learn, also known as the K-12 “toolkit” and the Considerations for Developing a K-12 Sexual Misconduct Policy, also known as the K-12 “checklist” are available here.
- Talk to your child about pornography and its effects on relationships
- NEW! #TweakURSpeak – Activities to better understand the lingo and realities of youth.
Warning Signs – Know the signs of dating abuse. English Version | Spanish Version
Forms of Abuse – Learn the forms of dating abuse. English Version | Spanish Version
General Dating Abuse Facts and Why LGBTQ* Inclusivity is Essential – Know the facts.
Table of Contents
Healthy, Unhealthy, or Abusive – this handout is for you if you say:
- “I don’t know how to identify healthy relationships.”
- “I’ve observed some odd relationship behaviors between my student/child and their significant other. Could this be abuse?”
- “The behavior of my student/child has changed dramatically. I’m worried about the person my student/child is seeing.”
Relationship Realities – this handout is your go-to guide if you say:
- “How in the world do young people date these days?!”
- “It’s only puppy love; no need to go overboard.”
- “Talking to my student/child can be awkward. How do I have the conversation?”
LGBTQ* Inclusivity – this web page is your study guide if you say:
- “I’d like to make my classroom a safe, inclusive space for everyone.”
- “I really know nothing about how to make my events inclusive of all sexualities and gender identities.”
- “Rural areas have unique obstacles for LGBTQ* young people. I need help navigating that.”
#HealthyDatingTips – these graphics are a must-download if you say:
- “I need fun pictures to help with the healthy relationship talk.”
- “My classroom really needs a healthy relationship theme!”
- “I follow Break the Cycle on social media, and I’ve been wanting to print out some of their graphics.”
Training Testimonials – this PDF and infograph are essential if you say:
- “I’d really like Break the Cycle to train our faculty because I keep seeing unhealthy dating in the halls.”
- “My boss says they need more convincing I want to schedule a Break the Cycle training.”
- “At the next community meeting, I want to suggest a healthy relationship intiative for our community.”
Find more resources on developing policies and programs with young survivors, schools, and rural and frontier communities.
Read the materials for students and learn more about healthy relationships and dating abuse on Real Stories, Break the Cycle’s blog.