
Break the Cycle provides teens with the resources they need to recognize, prevent and end teen dating violence – no matter where they are. Our programs defy geographic bounds, largely though new and emerging technology. Help us spread the word about our life-saving resources to end teen dating violence – online!

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  1. Become a fan of Break the Cycle and our partners at loveisrespect by visiting our pages and clicking “Like.”
  2. Help build our online community by replying to posts, suggesting our pages to your friends and posting links in your News Feed!
  3. Check our pages and your Facebook messages regularly for updates!
  4. We also encourage you to support other violence prevention organizations like Joyful Heart Foundation and the Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence. Let them know Break the Cycle sent you!


Follow @Break the CycleDV on Twitter, reply and RT our messages!


Subscribe to our YouTube channel and comment on or share our videos.


Read the National Dating Abuse Helpline’s blog discussing relationships from a young adult perspective. Follow us and comment on our entries. Feeling creative? Share your own blogs with us!

Tips for Spreading the Word Online

Include your thoughts with the link you’re posting like “Great blog to show your kids about the obstacles of teen dating violence” and “I wish I had this resource when I was a kid!”

Post when your friends are online and more than once. Try varying when and what you post to get your message to as many people as possible.

Write your friends directly. In addition to posting to your profile, send your friends a message or chat with them online.

Don’t wait for us! If you find something interesting on our websites, share it immediately! You can copy and paste the link or use the share button on every page of this site.