Request a presentation in Washington, DC

To request a presentation in Washington, DC, fill out the form below, print
it and then fax or mail it to:

Break the Cycle

P.O. Box 21034

Washington, DC 20009

     Fax: 202.654.4039

Requester’s Name:

School or Organization:Address:City and State:Zip Code:



Date(s) of requested presentation:

Time/period(s) for requested presentation:Length of presentation requested:

I would like the presentation to (check all that apply):

   address the dynamics of dating and domestic violence.

   discuss the civil and the criminal law related to domestic violence and the legal options available to young victims of dating and domestic violence.

Participants are:


Middle school students9th graders
10th, 11th or 12th gradersCollege students


Law studentsOther graduate students
TeachersSchool counselors
School administratorsParents
Social service providersHealth care professionals
AttorneysLaw enforcement
Mental health professionalsOther:

Is this presentation part of a larger event? Yes         No

If so, please describe:

Although all Break the Cycle’s programs are offered free of charge, we depend on the community for support. To cover our time, travel and materials costs, we ask for-profit organizations (including private schools), if they are able, to reimburse Break the Cycle with a minimum donation of $100 per presentation.

Will you be able to reimburse Break the Cycle for these costs?

Yes         No

Parking information or directions:

©1998-2003 Break the Cycle. All Rights Reserved.