Dating Violence Education Programs

At Break the Cycle, we believe education is the key to preventing domestic and dating violence. We work with schools to provide teens with the tools and knowledge necessary to develop essential life skills and transition successfully into adulthood. Our education programs:

  • Empower youth to maintain healthy relationships
  • Turn schools into safe environments where youth can report abuse

[Ending Violence]

In 2009, Break the Cycle brought dating violence prevention into the 21st Century with the release of [Ending Violence], an innovative, DVD-based learning tool. Modeled after our evidence-based, written curriculum, [Ending Violence] teaches teens the warning signs of abuse, their legal rights and responsibilities and healthy relationship skills through:

  • Live action role-play
  • Animation
  • Interactive discussions and quizzes
  • Powerful real-life stories from survivors

This educator-friendly resource complies with National Health Education Standards set by the Center for Disease Control.

Table of Contents

Learn more about [Ending Violence] and how it can help you address dating violence among youth in your community.

In-Person Education

Break the Cycle ensures that students have access to life-saving resources to prevent and end dating abuse by working with schools and youth organizations across the nation. We implement presentations and long term residencies across Los Angeles and DC. Learn more about our Respect WORKS! Residency and partnerships with Girl Scouts and Boys & Girls Clubs.

Youth Advocacy

Break the Cycle is committed to raising awareness and creating a new generation of activists in the movement to end domestic violence.

We designed Speak.Act.Change, our service-learning curriculum, for youth ages 14-18, to take action against abuse. The kit guides teens through addressing issues like:

  • How to build a healthy relationship
  • The media’s role in dating violence
  • How to use technology safely
  • Teens’ legal rights and responsibilities
  • What teens can do to engage politicians in their cause

In addition, we sponsor a Heart Campaign during February, Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Through the campaign, we invite everyone from teens to teachers to elected officials to raise awareness about dating violence and take action against abuse.

Online Programs

Break the Cycle and the National Dating Abuse Helpline have formed the ultimate partnership to end dating abuse at The site provides teens and young adults with:

  • Resources
  • Confidential help
  • Downloadable information
  • Engaging activities to raise awareness

Recognizing the importance of technology in youth relationships, Break the Cycle and the National Dating Abuse Helpline are constantly developing our web presence. Our online content and applications not only instruct youth on the basics of dating abuse, but teach them how to use technology safely and maintain healthy relationships online.

Break the Cycle is excited to be expanding our resources to include targeted information for the LGBTQ community and college-aged youth.

Special Thanks

We are grateful for the experts in youth development and prevention education that give us wonderful support and guidance:

  • Wendy Goldring, Los Angeles County Office of Education
  • Alison Trachtman Hill, Founding Partner, Critical Issues for Girls
  • Jo Ann Isken, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction, Lennox (CA) School District
  • Terra Slavin, Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center – Legal Services
  • Wendy Weiler, EduStratetgies
  • Judy Davidds-Wright, Green Dot Charter School