Supporting VAWA

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is the most important piece of federal legislation in the movement to end dating abuse. By supporting it, you are helping young people across the nation get the support and services they need to prevent, diagnose and escape unhealthy relationships.

Get the Toolkit

The National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women has developed a VAWA reauthorization education and awareness toolkit to help you – the experts, leaders, and advocates – in educating federal policymakers about the needs of survivors of violence and why the reauthorization of VAWA is critical to meeting these needs. This toolkit focuses on the reauthorization of the VAWA but many of the elements can be used for any federal, local or state policy effort.

We hope this toolkit helps you leverage your time and resources most efficiently, while giving you the information necessary to be an effective advocate. Whether you are part of a nonprofit organization, talking with a friend or meeting with an elected official, this toolkit will provide you with the resources to accomplish your policy goals. Download it now!

Get the Latest

Keep up-to-date on all things VAWA at There you’ll see which senators and congress-people have pledged their support, which are on the fence and which are opposed. You can also get scripts to engage your representative in passing this vital piece of legislation.