We are pleased to announce that Break the Cycle has launched a three-year strategic plan. The plan affirms that Break the Cycle’s most vibrant, important and sustainable future lies in building our role as a national advocacy organization. From that vision, three goals arose:
- Educating teens and young adults about domestic and dating violence,
- Encouraging youth activism, and
- Advocating for systemic change to increase and protect the rights of young people.
Break the Cycle employed the services of Executive Service Corps of Southern California consultant Harold Bock to help with the plan’s design and development. With more than 35 years management experience, Harold brought invaluable skills and knowledge to Break the Cycle’s strategic planning process.
In February, the planning launched with a staff and board retreat in Los Angeles. Patience and dedication to the long-term vision helped guide the discussions and six months later, we are proud to announce we have an exciting and dynamic strategic plan! We know the real work is just beginning. The board and staff are committed to using the strategic plan as a tool to guide future decision-making and measure operational and programmatic successes. We look forward to the work ahead.
If you would like to know more about the strategic plan or the process we used to create it, contact Break the Cycle’s Executive Director Marjorie Gilberg at [email protected].
-Published on August 31, 2007