Please note: Entries within this blog may contain reference to instances of domestic abuse, dating abuse, sexual assault, abuse or harassment. At all times, Break the Cycle encourages readers to take whatever precautions necessary to protect themselves emotionally and psychologically. If you would like to speak with an advocate, please contact a 24/7 peer advocate at 866-331-9474 or text “loveis” to 22522.
The election is over and now it’s time for our officials to get back to work! Whether your representatives got re-elected or not, now is the time for them to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. Let’s make this lame-duck session count!
Why This VAWA
For the first time, the Violence Against Women Act addresses the critical issues of dating abuse and sexual assault on college campuses with the integration of Campus SaVE. This provision will require colleges and universities to record and report dating violence on campus and ensure victim’s safety by mandating schools create plans to enforce protective orders and notify the victim of their rights.
Table of Contents
Sounds amazing, right? Yet, while VAWA passed the Senate, the House version eliminated Campus SaVE. It’s not too late – you can help SAVE it!
What Can I Do?
In Five Seconds: Post on Social Media
Spread awareness on Twitter by using #VAWA, #RealVAWA, #ReauthorizeVAWA and #VAWA4all and following and retweeting @NTFVAWA, the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women. Need more ideas? Download our sample tweets.
On Facebook, post a status message such as “Still waiting for VAWA to pass”, link and include our of our 4vawa images. Go further by make one of them your profile picture until the real VAWA passes!
In Five Minutes: Make a Call
Call your representatives and tell them to pass an inclusive VAWA now. Download our sample script if you want pointers on what to say.
In Five Hours: Write Your Local Paper
Submit an op-ed about VAWA to your local paper. Don’t worry – we have a template to get you started.
In Five Days: Do More!
Download the official VAWA action toolkit and you’ll find activities that will keep you busy for days!