Wed, 2012-12-12 14:52 � cristina
By Eric Anderson, Director of Youth Programs.
When I was asked what I would like to say about the American Giving Awards as a “wrap up” — there were two words that summed everything up. Thank you.
Our journey actually began a year ago, when we were named a “Top 100 Charity” in the 2011 Chase Community Giving Challenge, an achievement not possible without the support of all of you.
With that support, we launched the new loveisrespect, connecting thousands of young people to lifesaving resources and help services. Our support base nearly tripled on Facebook — thanks in large part to you, sharing our posts, our videos and the message that everyone deserves a safe and healthy relationship. It was tremendously humbling to see so many of you embrace our efforts and share that life-affirming message.
It was such an incredible experience to see our work recognized as part of the awards show. It was made even better knowing we stood in solidarity with each of you, partners like Blue Cross and Blue Shield, MTV, Fifth and Pacific, the Joyful Heart Foundation, the CAA Foundation and domestic violence advocates across the country. And of course, we want to thank Chase Bank for the honor of being recognized as one of 2012’s top “Youth Developers.”
We are so proud of this distinction. We are humbled by your tremendous outpouring of support. We are motivated by the opportunity to put dating violence at the front of the nation’s consciousness. And we remain steadfast in our pledge to educate and engage as many young people and the adults that serve them to create communities free from violence.
I guess that was a lot more than two words, but as anyone at Break the Cycle will tell you, that’s what happens when I speak from the heart. So I’ll end this blog entry with how it began.
Thank you.