Please note: Entries within this blog may contain reference to instances of domestic abuse, dating abuse, sexual assault, abuse or harassment. At all times, Break the Cycle encourages readers to take whatever precautions necessary to protect themselves emotionally and psychologically.  If you would like to speak with an advocate, please contact a 24/7 peer advocate at 866-331-9474  or text “loveis” to 22522.

Louisiana Considers Requiring Violence Prevention Education

The Louisiana House of Representatives is considering a bill that would require dating violence education for students in grades 7-12. The bill requires schools to teach students the definition of dating violence, warning signs of abuse and the characteristics of healthy relationships.

If passed, the bill, proposed by Representative Nita Hutter, would go into effect in July, 2010. We thank Representative Hutter for her commitment to ending dating violence in her community.

Help support this important effort by joining Break the Cycle’s HOPE. As part of this membership organization, you’ll have access to sample letters to legislators encouraging them to support violence prevention education and other tools you can use to make a difference. Make the most of your membership – join before the Louisiana Legislature meets at the end of the month!

-Published on March 10, 2010