Starting a Relationship

7 Signs Someone Is Constantly Thinking About You (Plus 14 Mystical Signs!)

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If you’re curious to know if you’re on their mind, you’re in the right place! We’re about to explore seven signs someone is constantly thinking about you.

From mysterious text messages to cosmic coincidences, we’ll uncover the secrets of mental connections. Get ready to become a certified detective.

Table of Contents

1. Unexpected Text Message

Receiving a text message from someone out of the blue is an unequivocal sign that they’ve been thinking about you. It’s fairly obvious, right?

Well, remember — context is key. If you’ve been bombarding them with cat videos for the past hour, their response doesn’t count. We’re talking about unexpected, seemingly psychic messages that come after a long period of silence. 

2. Persistent Social Media Presence

Welcome to the digital age, where stalking . . . er, I mean, showing interest has never been easier. If your crush is constantly liking your posts, commenting on your stories, or reacting to your tweets faster than you can say “notification squad,” chances are you’re living rent-free in their mind. 

But wait, there’s more! If they start posting content that suspiciously aligns with your interests, that’s a surefire sign they’re trying to catch your attention. For example, if you just got back from an Eras Tour concert and your boo starts posting swiftie memes, they’re thinking about you. Of course, they could also just be a swiftie. . . .

3. Random Mood Lift 

There are days when you wake up feeling like Beyoncé herself blessed your day. Your hair is cooperating, your favorite jeans fit just right, and you’ve got a spring in your step that would make Tigger jealous. 

Well, hold onto your crystals, folks, because this could be a sign that someone is sending you good vibes through cosmic airwaves. That’s right, their positive thoughts about you are brightening your day. 

4. Public Run-In

Every time I learn a new teen slang word, I suddenly hear it everywhere. Well, skibidi your way to this truth: People are just like new words! They think about you and then there they are, everywhere.

If you run into someone at the grocery store, then again at the bank, then again at your sister’s boyfriend’s mom’s retirement party, they’ve been entertaining thoughts of you for sure. 

Now before you start planning your “meet-cute” story for the grandkids, remember that this sign is most powerful when it happens in unexpected places. Running into them at your local coffee shop doesn’t count if you both go there every day. But if you suddenly cross paths at a random farmer’s market three towns over? That’s a sign he probably has you in mind. 

According to synchronicity studies, like the ones published by Dr. Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, in his book Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, significant coincidences can point to a relationship between individuals.[1] 

Apparently, these experiences frequently take place when there is an emotional or psychological connection — so, essentially, a strong sign someone has been thinking about you.

5. Mutual Friend Messenger

Another sign that someone might be thinking about you all the time is when your friend starts mentioning a mutual friend or acquaintance frequently. You’re talking with your friend, and suddenly, out of nowhere, they start dishing about a mutual friend or acquaintance. 

As if they’ve suddenly become this person’s PR agent, they’re dropping their name into every other sentence. “Oh, did you hear about Sarah’s new job?” “You’ll never guess what Tom did last weekend!”

This could be a sign that your special someone has been talking about you to your mutual friends. They’re probably trying to casually gather intel on you, like a secret agent but with less cool gadgets and more awkward conversations. Or better yet, they have a crush on you and want your mutual friend to talk them up.

6. Slip of the Tongue

If someone keeps accidentally saying your name in the wrong conversations, it might be because you are on that person’s mind a lot. These “slips” happen because their brain is thinking about you. If they’re mixing up other people’s names with yours, it’s a sign you’ve been in their thoughts. 

Research by cognitive scientists Samantha Deffler et al. indicates that name mix-ups are common among people who are close to each other.[2] This is due to the brain’s method of storing names in categories based on social relationships.

They’re accidentally mixing up your name with others or dropping yours accidentally because they want to be closer to you — it’s why they’re always thinking about you.

7. Mirror Image

You notice they’re starting to act like you. Maybe you say something a certain way, and they start saying it the same way. Or you mention you like a certain type of music, and now they’re listening to it too. 

This happens because when someone thinks about you a lot, they start copying your actions without even realizing it. According to the book Mirroring People: The New Science of How We Connect With Others, “Solid empirical evidence suggests that our brains are capable of mirroring the deepest aspects of the minds of others.”[3]

This could be happening consciously or subconsciously, but one thing is true: They’re paying attention to everything you do.

Telepathic Signs Someone Is Thinking of You

Let’s dive into the supernatural — things are about to get interesting. 

1. Ears ringing or burning

Not a piercing, but that unexplained ringing or buzzing in your ear — also known as tinnitus. According to folklore, this could mean someone is thinking about you. If it’s your left ear, they’re saying something nice, right ear, maybe not.

Sudden hot ears, often with redness, is another sign someone might be thinking or talking about you. Left ear burning means good things, right ear, not so much. 

You might dismiss superstitions such as this one outright, but superstitions aren’t just for fun. According to biologist Foster and Kokko, of Harvard University and the University of Helsinki, respectively, superstitions “evolved to both reduce anxiety (proximate cause) and enable humans to make causal associations.”[4] 

In other words, we apply superstitions as a way to explain things, to help us process the goings on of our lives. And for centuries, a ringing or burning in the ears has been a strong sign of the superstition that someone is thinking or talking about you.  

2. Nose tickle theory

Some believe an itchy nose out of nowhere is a sign someone’s thinking or missing you. In Western cultures, it’s often seen as a sign of gossip, while in Eastern cultures, especially Chinese folklore, it indicates someone is fondly thinking of you. 

Spiritual practitioners view physical sensations as energy manifestations. Kelly Brickel, a spiritual teacher, suggests that an itchy nose might signal your energy resonating with someone else’s thoughts or emotions.[5]

So, the next time your nose itches, consider it could be a sign that someone is thinking of you, like Samatha from Bewitched wiggling her nose to work her magic. 

3. Phantom phone buzz 

You feel your phone vibrate, but no message appears. According to Rao et al., subconscious thoughts from others might connect perceived sensations like phantom phone vibrations, indicating the possibility of communication between brains.[6]

When this does happen and your phone actually does ring a few minutes later, this not only confirms they were thinking of you when you felt the phantom buzz, but it also means you might even be able to tell it’s going to be. This is because “telepathy in connection with telephone calls is the commonest kind of apparent telepathy in the modern world.”

Researcher Rupert Sheldrake conducted a study by instructing participants to determine which of four callers was phoning. The average scores were far higher than the chance-based 25% accuracy rate. Before answering the call, the subjects made their assumptions about which callers would be selected randomly.[7]

4. Psychic sneeze

You’re sitting there, minding your own business, when suddenly… ACHOO! A sneeze comes out of nowhere. 

Before you start worrying about catching a cold, consider this: In China, Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam, it’s believed that if you sneeze once, someone is speaking well of you.[8] If you sneeze twice, someone might be saying something not-so-nice. And if you sneeze three times, it could mean that someone is in love with you. 

5. Itchy palm phenomenon

The superstition of itchy palms can be traced back to ancient times. In Vedic astrology and Indian shastras, itching palms are considered significant signs. According to these ancient texts, an itchy left palm is believed to bring good fortune and wealth, while an itchy right palm might indicate financial loss. 

In Western culture, the belief is often associated with receiving or giving money. This interpretation can be found in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, where Brutus accuses Cassius of having an “itching palm,” implying that he is greedy for bribes. 

6. Sudden cold breeze

Some people believe that feeling a sudden chill or a cold breeze, especially when indoors with closed windows, is a telepathic sign. Many people believe that this phenomenon occurs due to the presence of someone’s thoughts or energy around you.


7. The dream connection

If you dream about someone unexpectedly, it could be a sign that they are thinking of you. Some people believe that dreams serve as a bridge between the conscious and subconscious minds, and they suggest that when someone thinks of you a lot, it can manifest in your dreams. 

Dreaming about the same person frequently can indicate unresolved emotions or issues in your life. This phenomenon may arise from stress, anxiety, or significant life changes, reflecting your subconscious processing these feelings. 

Additionally, such dreams can serve as a form of wish fulfillment or a way to process daily events and experiences. 

However, dreams are still a largely uncharted frontier of science. For all we know, when we dream about others, it could be because they’re dreaming about us. Unless you’re dreaming about Idris Elba. He doesn’t know who you are, girl. Give it up.

Psychic Signs Someone Is Thinking of You Romantically

All right, your emotions aren’t just there to confuse you — they’re little love detectives. Let’s dive into how your feelings can detect when someone has been contemplating the mystery of you and even that they like you

1. Excessive laughter

If you’re suddenly laughing excessively, it might mean someone is sending you lovey-dovey thoughts. Your brain isn’t broken; it’s just picking up those romantic vibes.

If you’re giddy about a potential or new romance, they might be too. 

You’ll find yourself giggling at the goofiest jokes and snorting at things that aren’t even remotely funny. It’s like your funny bone got an unexpected upgrade.

2. Mood swings

One minute you’re on cloud nine, the next you’re grumpier than a cat in a bathtub. This emotional roller coaster might mean someone’s thinking about you. Your moods are swinging. You might go from ecstatic to irritated in the blink of an eye, leaving your friends wondering if you’ve lost your marbles. 

3. Unexplained warm feelings

When you’re feeling all warm and gooey inside like a fresh-baked cookie, and you haven’t even eaten anything, pay attention! 

That cozy feeling might be your body’s way of saying, “Hey, someone’s crushing on you!” It’s like your insides decided to throw a warm, fuzzy party without telling you why. 

4. Frequent thoughts about them 

If someone keeps popping into your head like an internet ad, it could mean they’re thinking about you too. It’s telepathy for dummies! 

You’ll find yourself daydreaming about them during important meetings or while you’re trying to focus on literally anything else. Their faces just keep photobombing your thoughts. 

5. Sudden nervousness or awareness

Getting all jittery and nervous out of nowhere isn’t just random anxiety, genius. It might be your body picking up on someone’s romantic vibes! Your palms might start sweating like you’re in a sauna, and your heart might start racing. 

If you suddenly find yourself checking your phone or feeling more aware of your surroundings, that’s another clue. It’s like your intuition is nudging you to pay attention because someone is trying to connect with you. 

Additionally, if you catch yourself smiling out of nowhere, it could be their romantic thoughts reaching out to you, creating a special bond — even if they’re miles away. 

6. Increased energy

If you suddenly have the energy of a squirrel on espresso, it’s not just good coffee. This unexplained perkiness could be your body’s way of letting you know someone is sending you love signals. You might find yourself bouncing off the walls, ready to take on the world, or run a marathon. 

A study by Sandra Kassm et al. explored the neurobiological underpinnings of romantic love. The researchers noted that brain regions associated with reward and motivation are activated during experiences of romantic love, similar to the brain activity observed during hypomanic states.[9]

Translation: You’re excited because you’re in the throes of a new romance and you just know they’re thinking about you as much as you’re thinking about them.

7. Physical sensations

If you keep getting random tingles or goosebumps, don’t call the Ghostbusters just yet. These weird physical sensations might mean someone’s thinking about you romantically. You might feel a sudden warmth, a tingle down your spine, or even smell their perfume when they’re nowhere around. 


We’ve explored seven signs someone is constantly thinking about you. From mysterious text messages to cosmic itches, we’ve covered the gamut of signs that might indicate you’re occupying someone’s thoughts. 

Remember, while these signs can be entertaining to look out for, they’re not foolproof methods. The most reliable way to know if someone is thinking about you is still good old-fashioned communication. Sometimes, a simple “Hey, I’ve been thinking about you” works better than trying to decipher psychic smoke signals. 

Curious to learn more about how to get into a relationship? Check out the link.


Can you sense when someone is thinking of you?

You can sense when someone is thinking of you if you believe in superstitions. Examples include sudden mood changes, unexpected physical sensations like an itchy nose or ringing ears, or even just a strong vibe. 

How do you know if someone thinks of you?

You know if someone thinks of you through their actions. Reaching out to you regularly, remembering details about your life, or making an effort to spend time with you are all good indicators that you’re on their mind. 

Can someone feel that I am thinking about them?

Someone can feel that you are thinking about them through “vibes” or energy that can be sensed across distances. Superstitions, such as ringing ears and itchy noses or palms, can also tell if someone you’ve been thinking about them.

Can you sense when someone has feelings for you?

You sense when someone has feelings for you through body language, tone of voice, and how often they seek out your company. However, the only way to know for sure is through open and honest communication. 

What are the signs someone likes you?

The signs someone likes you include making an effort to spend time with you, remembering details about your life, finding excuses to touch you (like playful nudges or hugs), laughing at your jokes (even the bad ones), and making eye contact and smiling often when you’re together. 


1. C. G. Jung (2010). Synchronicity: An acausal connecting principle. Princeton University Press.

2. Deffler, S. A., Fox, C., Ogle, C. M. (2016). All my children: The roles of semantic category and phonetic similarity in the misnaming of familiar individuals. Memory and Cognition, 44, 989–999.

3. Iacoboni, M. (2009). Mirroring people: The new science of how we connect with others. Farrar, Strau, and Giroux.

4. Foster, K. R., & Kokko, H. (2009). The evolution of superstitious and superstition-like behaviour. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276(1654), 31–37.

5. McMurrin, M. (2024, January 14). 8 spiritual reasons why your nose might be itching. Parade.

6. Rao, R. P., Stocco, A., Bryan, M., Sarma, D., Youngquist, T. M., Wu, J., & Prat, C. S. (2014). A direct brain-to-brain interface in humans. PLOS ONE, 9(11): e111332.

7. Sheldrake, R. (2014). Telepathy in connection with telephone calls, text messages, and emails. Journal of International Society of Life Information Science. 32(1):7–10.

8. Colone, R. (2023, March 19). Historical and cultural perspective on sneeze responses. Santa Ynez Valley News.

9. Kassm, A. S., Chahoud, M., Naja, K., Haddad, J., Robert, G., & Naja, W. (2023). All is fair in love and hypomania: Tout est juste en amour et en hypomanie. Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Revue Psychiatrique.


  • Patrick Okoi is a writer with a passion for spirituality, love, romance, and the like. He also loves playing chess and dancing when no one is watching.

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