Send Text Only

Learn everything you need to be a successful Brick Layer by participating in our short webinar! We also recommend you download these tips on how to make the most out of your fundraising efforts.

Send an Email

Send information about the Brick Campaign through email. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

Send Text Only

  1. Download this Microsoft Word document.
  2. Select all (Ctrl+A) then copy and paste the contents into your email.
  3. Send to all your friends and family!

Send an Image

  1. Download this image. Copy and paste it into the body of your email.
  2. Link the image (right click, Add Hyperlink) to or add a note directing recipients there.
  3. Send to all your friends and family!

Link to an Introductory Video

Break the Cycle made videos to help you introduce your friends and family to The Brick Campaign. Pick between messages that emphasize the urgency of participating, the prevalence of abuse or Break the Cycle’s programs to educate youth.

Display an Image

Put the image below on your profile, blog, website, wherever you like! You can copy and paste the image or use the code below.

<a href=””><img src=”” width=”350″ height=”160″ border=”0″ /></a>

Add Status Updates/Away Messages

Post these messages on your profiles, friends’ walls or as your away status. Feel free to personalize them!

  • (Your Name) is building Design your brick at!
  • Dating violence harms one out of every three teens in the United States. You can do something to lower that number. Buy a brick – build!
  • Join me in building – a virtual environment that provides us the opportunity to ask questions, share stories and get advice. Buy a brick!
  • One in three is one too many. Join me in ending abuse and building Design your brick at!