
31 Ways to Celebrate Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. To celebrate, we have 31 ways for you to make a difference:

  1. Encourage your child to visit, the most comprehensive dating abuse resource online.
  2. Join Break the Cycle’s HOPE.
  3. Wear a purple ribbon all month to show your support for ending violence.
  4. Change your online profile status to link to or
  5. Host a Valentine’s Anytime Party and celebrate healthy relationships!
  6. Make copies of this poster and ask your local schools, youth-centers and libraries to put it up.
  7. Subscribe to Break the Cycle’s YouTube Channel.
  8. Enter to win a stay in Hawaii! All proceeds benefit Break the Cycle.
  9. Organize a group, make signs about domestic violence and walk around your neighborhood with them.
  10. On Twitter? Tweet to raise awareness about the issue.
  11. Order copies of Break the Cycle’s fotonovela and donate them to youth-based organizations in your local community.
  12. Concerned about a loved one’s relationship? Talk to them about it!
  13. Write a blog for us and share it with your friends!
  14. Speak to your school’s PTA. Get our tips!
  15. Hold a candlelight vigil for domestic violence survivors around the country.
  16. Sign Mary Kay’s End Violence Petition.
  1. Adopt a School and make sure local teens have the help they need on campus.
  2. Become our friend on facebook and MySpace!
  3. Educate yourself about how your state’s legal protections rate!
  4. Help pave the road to ending violence by supporting your local brick layer!
  5. Tell five friends about Break the Cycle and what they can do to make a difference.
  6. Ask your teen to become a fan of on facebook.
  7. Participate in Macy’s Shop for a Cause on October 17.
  8. Speak to your local city council or county commission about teen dating violence.
  9. Change your homepage to Prodégé and every time you search, Break the Cycle earns some cents!
  10. Send a letter to your child’s principal telling them you want the school to take action against dating violence on campus.
  11. Do some fall cleaning – sell the items that are taking up space and donate the proceeds to Break the Cycle.
  12. Follow Break the Cycle on Twitter.
  13. Make a donation to Break the Cycle.
  14. Discuss teen dating abuse with your kids. Don’t worry – we have tips to make starting the conversation easier.
  15. Write a letter to your local paper’s Op-Ed section.

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Media Inquiries
For all media inquiries, please contact 310.424.2803 or [email protected].

Renewed Partnership
With Imagistic
Break the Cycle is happy to announce our renewed partnership with imagistic to launch the newest incarnation of this website in September.