Thu, 2013-09-05 14:41 � nosman
Break the Cycle is celebrating National Campus Safety Awareness Month and you can too. Know someone who’s in college right now? We’ve got ways you can help them out during September and keep them safe from abuse, sexual assault, hazing and more.
The Clery Center and Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment (PAVE) have launched a national initiative for NCSAM called Safe Campus, Strong Voices (SCSV). Anyone can use their toolkit to plan activities, set up social media and create bulletin board materials for dorm rooms. Clery is also hosting a free webinar titled, “Let’s Connect: Mobilizing Your Campus During National Campus Safety Awareness Month,” which will talk about ways to approach prevention and education.
As part of the PACT5 collaborative documentary project, you can encourage your college community to watch or host a screening of one of their free documentaries. All the student-produced documentaries are focused on raising awareness about sexual assault on campus. If you or someone you know lives in the Washington DC area, they can register for PAVE’s Summit on September 27 from 11:30-4:30pm EDT – it’s at Georgetown University School of Law. If they go to school elsewhere or you still want to join, everyone can participate virtually.
Last but not least, spread the word about NCSAM all month on Facebook and Twitter. Use hashtags #NCSAM and #SCSV on relevant posts or direct users to Safe Campus, Strong Voices on Facebook and Twitter. You can also focus on September 25, the official campus Day of Action, by encouraging everyone to make the PACT:
- I am aware that sexual assault can happen to anyone at any time.
- I believe we can end sexual assault through education.
- I will always be sure of genuine consent before any sexual activity.
- I will take action if I see a situation that could lead to sexual assault.
- I commit to learning more and promoting the PACT.