Break the Cycle – Civil Harrasment Order

What Is a Civil Harassment Order?

A civil harassment order is a restraining order you can get against someone who
is harassing you. You can get a civil harassment order if you do not have a
domestic relationship with your abuser and therefore are not eligible for a
domestic violence restraining order.

A civil harassment order can last up to three years and may be renewed after
that. There is a filing fee to apply for a civil harassment order, however that
fee may be waived based on your ability to pay or if the abuser has caused
physical harm to you.

How Do I Qualify for a Civil Harassment Order?

You qualify for a civil harassment order if your harasser has intentionally
committed a series of acts (more than one) which seriously alarm, annoy or harass
you, and which have caused you substantial emotional distress. The harasser’s
acts must not have any valid justification and must not be protected by the
Constitution. Your harasser does not have to be related to you in any way.

What Can a Civil Harassment Order Do?

A civil harassment order can order the harasser:

  • to stay away from you, your home, school, work or your children’s school;
  • not to telephone or contact you;
  • not to alarm, annoy or harass you;
  • not to threaten, strike or make physical contact with you;
  • not to keep you under surveillance or follow you;
  • not to block your movement in public places.

It can also protect your family or anyone else in your home from the harassment
and can order the losing party in the case (either the harasser or you) to pay
the winning party’s court costs and attorney’s fees.

Violation of a civil harassment order is a crime.