Lifetime’s latest movie, Reviving Ophelia, tells the story of a teenage girl who suffers abuse at the hands of her seemingly “perfect” boyfriend and can be a great tool for educators and parents to teach about dating violence.
Why the Movie Makes a Good Teaching Tool
- It’s a movie. Everyone likes movies.
- Reviving Ophelia deals with many forms of abuse: physical, emotional AND technological abuse. In fact, it shows more subtle, often unrecognized, forms of physical and emotional abuse.
- Reviving Ophelia covers the difficult and complex issues that often arise between people trying to help victims of abuse and the victim themselves.
- It comes with a discussion guide for both parents and teens.
You can watch Reviving Ophelia on Lifetime Saturday, October 16th at 9pm and Sunday October 17th at 9pm & 11pm. Catch the trailer online now!