Join Break the Cycle’s Young Professionals Committee!

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, or what we here at Break the Cycle affectionately refer to as “DVAM.” For the past few weeks we have been posting about what you can do to spread awareness during October, but today we want to focus on a way you can spread awareness and give back all year long!

Our last post was about Valentine’s Anytime parties. So, you’ve scheduled or thrown an amazing Valentine’s Anytime party, or maybe you inspired a friend or two at your party. Now what? If you live in the Greater Los Angeles or Washington, DC Areas then the Young Professional’s Committee may be just the thing for you!

Break the Cycle’s Young Professionals are committees of young professionals that care about our issue, care about our organization and want to help spread awareness. Our YPs fundraise and friendraise for us, they organize happy hours, throw house parties and introduce us to their friends and networks.

Have aspirations of joining a non-profit board one day? The Young Professionals committees are mini boards of directors and are great practice for future board service; in fact, many of our young professionals have gone onto serve on board committees and our own board of directors.

Do you want to plan fun events and raise money and awareness for Break the Cycle and dating violence in the process? Email Grace at [email protected] for more information!