This month is LGBTQ Pride Month (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning), which is celebrated every year in June to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan. These riots were the beginning of the gay rights movement in the U.S. Today, Pride Month commemorates the impact of LGBTQ individuals have had on history. From parades to parties, workshops, concerts, memorial services for those lost to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS and more, LGBTQ Pride Month now encompass all kinds of events and attract millions of participants around the world.
That said, just because you or you know someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, a healthy relationship is a healthy relationship. Sexual orientation is not an excuse for disrespectful or violent behavior.
If someone you know has a partner who respects their chosen gender pronouns or name and their boundaries, the relationship is probably healthy. Other signs someone you know is probably in a healthy relationship include: the partner gives them space to hang out with friends and family, doesn’t threaten to out them to other people, or doesn’t say they are not whatever they identify as because they don’t have sex the way they want you to.
Abusers that say this kind of behavior in a LGBTQ relationship is normal are wrong. LGBTQ youth have healthy relationships at similar rates as heterosexual couples. This includes similar rates of violence in the LGBTQ community. However, less than 25% of all victims report their abuse.
Wonder where your relationship stands? Take our relationship quiz and see how you score. Furthermore, there are confidential resources available specifically for LGBTQ youth. If you know someone who needs help in their relationship, talk with a peer advocate and find out what options are available state by state.